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Creating application


The Sunodo CLI is deprecated in favor of the new Cartesi CLI tool. Please refer to the Cartesi documentation for the most up-to-date information. If you have a Sunodo application and need to migrate to a Cartesi CLI application refer to the migration guide.

One of cartesi's goal is to be the easiest way to create new Cartesi applications from scratch.

To create a new application from a basic javascript template, run:

$ cartesi create my-app --template javascript
 Application created at my-app

This will create a new directory called my-app with a basic javascript nodejs template, with the following files:

  • Dockerfile: The Dockerfile used to build the application.
  • general guidance on how to proceed from there
  • package.json: the application's package.json file with basic dependencies
  • src/index.js: the application entrypoint

To build the application for the first time, follow the building guide. To learn more about other templates, follow to the available templates section.